Alternative Careers in Science

8. Juni 2020 Von fsr5Oeffi

Online Seminar
Alternative Careers in Science

in the last months we have had to go without quite a few of our usual gatherings, such as seminars, MiCoCo, courses etc. We believe it is time to break this new and unpleasant habit, and would like to invite you to our Alternative Careers in Science meeting.

It is true, we can not all meet in person, but we have prepared a program for you that we think you can enjoy online via Zoom on June 30th, starting at 6pm.


  • Sonja Brune, Late Phase Clinical Research Associate at ICON plc.
  • Matthias Nedderman, quality officer at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.
  • Chris Rundell, Senior Research Scientist and Medicinal Chemist at Sygnature Discovery

They will share their experiences and everyday work life with us, following which you will be able to ask questions and have a chat with them. How this will work exactly, we will explain at the beginning of the evening.

If you want to attend please write to